Specifications Overview


The target audience is 16-24 years old.

In my thriller I will try to have loud sounds in my thriller action scenes to appeal my audience. By having loud sounds e.g. gun shots, it interests the audience.

When creating my film, one of my aims is maintaining a low budget as that's what's suitable for me. As I want it to be as real as possible I will need props to suit the atmosphere of whatever scene I'm doing. I can borrow stuff from school or I can ask around. If not I will need to purchase these items.


Creator name

Release date

Information about the product

Eye catching


Has a key message to audience 

When making the trailer I will make it clear what genre it is so the audience are aware of what the movie will be about etc. That's for the trailer, if I were to create a full movie I would give details like release date, in cinemas etc. If it isn't eye catching I have failed what I have planned.

The conventions in the opening will be:

Intense Music- Music plays a big role so by using music, it could build up tension. 

Dark/Dim lighting- I am using this because it is common in a thriller and it brings a sense of fear. It will work good as my movie is a type of horror.

Changing angles- Helps the audience see what is going on in different parts of the scene. This gives a better understanding of what's going on.

Fast paced editing- This usually makes the scene more interesting and tense. Fast editing can be used when a character is being chased or in trouble etc. It will bring intensity to the picture.

Industry Requirements

My thriller short movie is being produced for the 'Thriller Chiller Film Festival'. From what I have been given, the film festival is from Michigan in the USA, the thriller that I'm creating must be shot in the UK. Also the target audience is of 16-24 year olds. It should include techniques used in the thriller genre and must be produced by me.

Advantages- The target audience is around the same age as me so I know what would appeal to them etc.

Disadvantages- Have to follow a specific genre this means lack of freedom, and everything must be created by me. I could find that difficult alone.

I must keep it appropriate as some my audience is under 18. The BBFC is the regulatory for films in the UK, they watch and give it a rating. This means i must consider what's appropriate for my audience.


The medium I am working in is film.

I am creating a Thriller movie opening.

The genre is Thriller/Horror.
