
Showing posts from June, 2021

Task 3 of the brief


Initial ideas mind map


Response to the client brief

Response to the client brief Its the first 2 minutes of an original new thriller movie as a taster to screen at our festival next year. It should be shot in the UK and aimed at 16-24 year olds. It should include all the conventions of a film opening and many of the techniques used in the thriller genre. A way to get to 16-24 year olds is to include all conventions of a film opening and all the techniques. If I make an action thriller it will attract the younger audience as they are into that type of stuff. A younger audience would like more action and intense scenes. The music will be original and copyright free. This is because copyright an cause a lot of problems. I am making a proposal which will need to meet the client brief, such as the budget which is low and should be taken into consideration.  While I'm creating my film, my target is to maintain a low budget. As I'm doing intense scenes I will have to purchase props to suit the atmosphere of the scene. I will like other

Specifications Overview

 Demographics  The target audience is 16-24 years old. In my thriller I will try to have loud sounds in my thriller action scenes to appeal my audience. By having loud sounds e.g. gun shots, it interests the audience. When creating my film, one of my aims is maintaining a low budget as that's what's suitable for me. As I want it to be as real as possible I will need props to suit the atmosphere of whatever scene I'm doing. I can borrow stuff from school or I can ask around. If not I will need to purchase these items. Conventions Creator name Release date Information about the product Eye catching Unique  Has a key message to audience  When making the trailer I will make it clear what genre it is so the audience are aware of what the movie will be about etc. That's for the trailer, if I were to create a full movie I would give details like release date, in cinemas etc. If it isn't eye catching I have failed what I have planned. The conventions in the opening will be:

Opening sequence

Trainspotting From the trailer it look like they're drug users by the way they act. It looks like the main guy has some unreliable friends. It looks like they are running away, this seems like there criminals. By them running away it looks like they don't play by the rules. The way they're acting it looks like there on some type of hard drug, maybe heroin. The trailer has been put together perfect as they show all characters and what they do. This tells the audience that its gonna be a fun movie to watch and they'll enjoy it. The lighting is all grey and dull and the sound is music playing in the background. Se7en From the trailer you can see that its a thriller through its uncomfortable use of rain. The rain creates a background noise throughout the city.  It is diegetic sound It gives a negative feel. It looks like the movie takes place in America, this is significant as most crime thrillers take place in the US. A detective tackles a case and discovers a number of mu