Conventions of a Thriller B+

A theme is a key idea or issue highlighted/explored when watching a media text

They are explored faced by the character's issues or actions.

The common themes of a thriller are:










Gone Girl

The themes in the trailer are investigation. This is due to how the storyline follows a woman who mysteriously disappeared and there is an investigation of what has happened to her and where she is. there is also a theme of dishonesty in which the disappearance of Amy has caught the attention of the media and it leads to the accusation of other people, with her husband, Nick, as the prime suspect. There is also the theme of fear in which Amy is seen to be terrified of her husband. 

Themes example

The theme for this trailer is revenge. this is presented in the trailer as the antagonist rams his car on a supporting protagonist's car and is seen calling the main protagonist as the wrecked car blows up in flames behind him, killing the supporting protagonist, Han. He calls the main protagonist that he doesn't know who he is, but he is about to. The idea of this scene to be added in the trailer gives the idea that the antagonist's main purpose is revenge against the team who crippled his brother. This creates some excitement as the audience gets to see how the antagonist operates with things. This could be explored in my media product as I could illustrate that something has happened, which would give the characters a motive to retaliate. 

Another theme for this is death. This would be presented in the trailer as it shows a character getting killed in a car explosion which is set up by the villain in the story. There is also a shot of a funeral taking place, which connotes that someone has lost their life. This theme could affect the audience as the idea of the theme of death could connote that one of the main characters could be dead by the end of the film. This could be explored in the thriller opening as I could give the idea that someone had passed away, which could lead the narrative of the story of how the death happened.

Made 40+ films which referred to as thrillers. His films are considered one of the best in the thriller genre. Most of his films were produced in Hollywood but he is from Leytonstone.

Alfred Hitchcock was born on the 13th of August 1899 and became an English born American motion picture director.

What does Hitchcock say makes a good thriller?
Hitchcock believed that the mystery is when the spectator knows less than the characters in the movie. Suspense is when the spectator knows more than the characters in the movie. He also believed that to make a good movie specifically a thriller genre type movie you need to focus more on the style than the plot.            

