
Showing posts from July, 2021


                                                         By Haider Baig Haider (17 years old) Asad (17 years old) Teacher Other students  First scene in classroom  We walk into class for detention   Teacher  sit down boys Haider   how long is the detention? Asad    Yeah how long mate Teacher   STOP TALKING AND SIT DOWN Second scene sitting down 20 minutes later... Asad   *throws piece of paper at Haider* Teacher  5 minutes added on for that *Another teacher walks in* Teacher 2   I have made this lovely pie, would you like some? Teacher   Yes I would love some thank you *Haider and asad gossiping in the back* Teacher   boys if you don't stop talking your staying behind for the rest of the week *boys sigh* Teacher   This pie is rather scrumptious haha *Dramatic music getting louder as she chews* Haider   I think you should slow down Third scene- Transformation Teacher  Im not feeling too good, you boys can go *The boys speed walk to the door* Boys  Bye miss *Door slams shut* Asad  Ar

Swot analysis 3


Swot analysis 2


Swot analysis 1
